Main Page

From Alien Game Developer Wiki
Revision as of 03:01, 14 April 2024 by Morris.glowacki (talk | contribs)

This is our developer wiki for Alien Game.

For inspiration, check out the Inspiring Content page! (It is also a good page if you don't know what games to play or what to watch when high)

Check out the Downloads page if you need assets or documents.

New Articles

To create new articles, simply search for the article you wish to create. If it doesn't already exist, the website will ask you if you want to create it yourself.

Simply click on the red link, and it will automatically create the page for you.

Edit your articles as shown in this video. Important are crosslinking and headers (headers as soon as it improves readability, articles only containing a few sentences don't need them). Lists and templates may be applied, but aren't really necessary. Citations don't matter.

Don't worry about using academic language, the articles are there for our eyes only. If you decide to use slang, no one will give a fuck, in fact, people might be entertained. However, please spellcheck your texts and be careful that your information is correct.

If you don't know what page to create you can check out the Wanted Pages.

Consult the User's Guide for information on using the wiki software.

Enjoy writing!